LandPKS Data Portal

How to Use the Data Portal

Screenshot of LandPKS data portal showing over 36000 sites around the world

The LandPKS data portal allows you to download data you’ve collected, as well as public data from around the world.

In this tutorial, learn to:

Filter Sites of Interest

By default, LandPKS Data Portal displays all public sites in the database.  To filter the list of public sites to those created by a specific email address, type the email address into the “Email” field under Display Filters, then hit Enter. If any public sites associated with the email are available, the number of results will appear under “Display Filters”. You can select the X button next to the email to dismiss that filter and return to seeing all public sites.
filtering by email in the data portal
To access private sites associated with a specific account, you must first log in to your account with the Login link at the top right of the page. Once logged in, you can switch to the My Sites tab to show all public and private sites that were created by your account, or you can select a single site from the dropdown list.
sites in a dropdown list under the My Sites tab
To filter by a specific site name, type the site’s name into the “Site Name” field under Display Filters. Please note this only provides sites with names that are exact matches (case insensitive) to the text entered in the field.
filtered results by site name "garden", showing 7 results

View Data in Portal

To view a single site’s data on the web, click on the site locator on the map. Alternatively, when you hover over the icon, a preview will appear of the site name and location, then you can click “View”.
tooltip with details about the site
details of a site in data portal

Download Data

You can also download all public site data and your own private site data in a .csv format. 

To access data for the entire public LandPKS dataset, do not enter any filters under Display Filters. Simply select the appropriate button in the Data Export list corresponding to the segment of data you want to access:

  • LandInfo (soil texture, soil color, slope, etc.)
  • LandCover (“Vegetation” in the app)
  • LandManagement
  • SoilHealth
data export section with four subsections - LandInfo, LandCover, LandManagement, and SoilHealth
To access data for a filtered set of sites, first apply the filter before selecting the data set you want to download. The number of matching sites will appear under “Display Filters” if you are searching for public sites (or a combination of public and private sites). If you are downloading your private data from the My Sites tab, the number of sites appears in the tab name.
My Sites (5)
Once you select the download button for the segment of data you wish to access (e.g., “LandInfo”), a dialog box will ask you the range of dates for which you would like to download data. If you want all data, leave the dates blank. If you want a specific segment of data, enter the appropriate dates. Once you have determined your date range, select the Export button.
data export screen showing start and end date fields
Consult the LandPKS metadata (zip file download) for more information to assist with interpreting the data in the CSV files.
LandInfo Metadata
LandPKS in the Field

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LandPKS Data PortalData Portal

View, edit, and download your data from your computer. Explore public soil information and data from LandPKS users worldwide.

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